1975 Dream
https://bsgoldenknights.org/wp-content/upload/2017/10/1975-1.gifBSGK Senior Corps, featuring the baritone section. Joe Shepise can be seen just right of center.
1975 Senior Corps Born
https://bsgoldenknights.org/wp-content/upload/2017/10/1975-1.jpgCourtesy of Joe Silverstein.
1975 Dream
https://bsgoldenknights.org/wp-content/upload/2017/10/1975-2.gifSeveral familiar faces at the 1975 Dream, from back row: Neil Powers, Bob Vivalo; next row: Brian A. Beckmeyer Sr., Paul Francolino; front row: Danny Caso. Notice the fans above Danny Caso's head: that's former BSGK snare drummer Bobby Craig and former BSGK color guard member Jeanne Santano.
https://bsgoldenknights.org/wp-content/upload/2017/10/1975-2.jpgWhen one looks into John Demko's horn case in the year 2001, one finds ...
1975 Dream Drum Line
https://bsgoldenknights.org/wp-content/upload/2017/10/1975-4.gifCenter snares Matt Dennison and Jay ??? marched in the junior corps.
1975 Dream Snare Line
https://bsgoldenknights.org/wp-content/upload/2017/10/1975-5.gif1975 BSGK senior corps snare line passing in review. Here's lookin' at ya, Matt!
https://bsgoldenknights.org/wp-content/upload/2017/10/1975-7.gifBSGK fielded a senior corps in 1975, showing its tradition and strength in a number of DCA shows. However, the senior corps lasted only one year. The corps held its first reunion dinner in 1983, followed by a number of reunion picnics through the 1980s, then a second reunion dinner in 1990. An enthusiastic group of alumni formed the Blessed Sacrament Golden Knights Alumni corps in 1991, which thrives today as one of the most successful alumni corps in existence. In a phrase, the tradition continues ...
1975 Drum Major
https://bsgoldenknights.org/wp-content/upload/2023/08/1975-Sr-Corp-Demko-Schapise-Fran.jpgDrum Major Fran Haynes (BSGK '67-'70, '75) and Joe Shepise - aka "Tony Bennet" (by St. Lucy's) and the 1969 National Ugly Champion. Joe always looked uhhh rather old for his age. When he joined in 1969, Fran Haynes said to Dick Burnes, "We got a new baritone...and he's only 40!" Joe allegedly could purchase beer from liquor stores when he was 9 without being carded.
1975 Dream
https://bsgoldenknights.org/wp-content/upload/2017/10/1975-3.gifBack row (just visible): Neil Powers; Next row: Brian A. Beckmeyer Sr. Next row: Danny Caso; next row: John Demko, Chuck Stoltz.